Easy Parking & Compound
Payment Features!
Safe & Secure
Prepaid Credit is purchased through a secure 2-factor authentication with SMS online banking. The prepaid credit can be used to pay parking for both gated and street parking as well as compound payment.
Once top up the parking credit, you may pay for parking using the 2-step parking payment. User will get notification prior to parking expiry and you may top up your anytime and anywhere.

Pay Compound
Save the hassle to go to the municipal council to pay your compound. Pay through Flexi Parking App by scan the compund barcode or by key-in compound serial number and pay with Prepaid Credit
Track Record
The App keep transaction records of your compound payment, parking purchase and prepaid credit purchase. Let's go paperless!
Quick Parking Payment Guide
Step 1
Choose The Right City Council
Select the city council that you are currently at. Our app can auto-detect your location and set city council automatically for you by pop-up reminder.
Step 2
Choose & Tap Your Registered Vehicle Number
Single tap of your registered vehicle number or parking logo button will direct you to parking payment screen. You may add more than one vehicle number by clicking the car logo button or at "Empty" slot.
Step 3
Select Parking Duration &
Park !
Choose your desired parking duration. You can also pay for one day parking pass or one month parking pass only for one city council (Depending on the city council) .Your parking duration can be extend by repeating from Step 2.
Quick Compound Payment Guide
Step 1
Fill in or Scan Compound Number
From the home screen, select officer logo tab. You can scan compound barcode or fill in the compound number or vehicle number, and click “Next” button to pay the compound.
Step 2
Confirmation Pop-up
A confirmation pop-up will appear to the user. User can see the payment value that they have to pay for compound within duration that have been informed here.
Step 3
Compound Payment
The pictures proof of user car can be by tap on picture button. This pictures are taken by the PBT authorities. The compound payment can be done in one click away and the transaction here onwards is independent from Flexi Parking which all purely from the bank website.
Quick Start Guide
Read App Guide
Off-Street Parking Guide